BANDUNG, IK.UNIKOM.AC.ID (07/04/2023) – Communication Science Department Student Association (HIMA IK), Universitas Komputer Indonesia (UNIKOM) has held a Joint Open Event (BUKBER) on Thursday (06/04/2023) at Uncle D Coffee, the event carries the theme “Silaturahmi Sharing Blessings”.
Communication Science Department Lecturers, including the following, attended this event:
Tine Agustin Wulandari, SIKom., MIKom. |
Inggar Prayoga, SIKom., MIKom. |
Safutra Rantona, MIKom. |
Yasundari, MIKom. |
Febriyanti Claudia, MIKom. |
Astri Ikawati, A.Md.Kom. |
Table Source: HIMA IK, UNIKOM.
Apart from the Communication Science Lecturers and Staff who were present, this event was also attended by the classes of 2020, 2021 and 2022. This event started at 15.00 – 21.00 WIB.
According to the Chief Executive, Indira Ghina Andini, this event was attended by 91 people from the classes of 2020, 2021, and 2022 with the theme Monochrome clothing (Arabian Accessories Optional), with several series of events starting from Sharing Takjil, Tausyiah, and Games.
Based on information from the Chief Executive, this activity was held to strengthen the ties between HIMA IK, Lecturers and Staff of the Communication Science Study Program, as well as Communication Science Students. The event started at 15.00 WIB by carrying out Takjil Sharing activities near Simpang Dago Market, in front of the Smart Building and UNIKOM Postgraduate Building. And then continued with Tausiyah at 17.00 WIB until time to break the fast.
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