BANDUNG.09/01/2024. The Communication Science Department carried out an Islamic mentoring activity entitled “The Definition of Jihad for Generation Z” in the auditorium on the 4th floor of the Miracle Building, which was attended by 237 Communication Science student participants.
Islamic Religious Mentoring is an activity that is routinely carried out every year by the Communication Studies Program, which is mandatory for first-semester students and is a requirement for getting grades in religion courses, especially Islamic religion. By raising the theme “The Definition of Jihad for Generation Z,” which is closely related to increasingly rapid technological developments as well as global events that occur, such as in Gaza and Palestine, it is hoped that it will be able to increase understanding of Jihad for Generation Z. The majority of participants in this mentoring activity are Generation Z.
This time’s theme was also challenging for the presenters at this year’s mentoring activity, namely Ustadz Sofyan Yahya, S.Ag., M.Tr.Q., who felt he had to package the meaning and application of Jihad in a way that was suitable for Generation Z so that they would not misinterpret the meaning of Jihad. “By going to campus to attend classes, study in the library, and attend science council activities such as this mentoring activity, that is considered Jihad for students,” said Ustadz Sofyan Yahya, followed by an explanation that it all depends on his intentions. This also increased the enthusiasm of the participants, which was very visible in the question-and-answer session after the presentation of the material. Many of the participants wanted to ask students questions related to jihad and how to increase their intention to fight for jihad by seeking knowledge in lectures.
This mentoring activity was welcomed by the Lecturer in Islamic Religion Courses, Dra. Madihah Bajrie, M.I.Kom, who is also the Moderator at this event and hopes that this activity can continue to be held every year by discussing themes that are very close to the participants, especially Communication Science students.
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