BANDUNG, IK.UNIKOM.AC.ID (25/12/2022) – The Communication Studies Program collaboration with the Directorate of Public Relations and Protocol, Indonesian Computer University, has held a Public Relations Workshop with the theme “How PR Turns Problems Into Opportunities” on the 4th Floor Auditorium of the Miracle Building by inviting Mr. Shebley Haslan Abdul Majid (Shebs PR Empire Malaysia). To equip students to deepen their knowledge of Public Relations and become reliable practitioners in that field.
Public Relations itself has an understanding, namely, the process of interaction to create public opinion as a beneficial input for both parties, understanding instill, fostering motivation, and public participation. Public Relations functions to connect interested parties in an organization or agency.
By holding this workshop, it aims to explore student potential in developing student abilities in communicating various ideas, implementing program plans for several community groups, and organizational goals to gain understanding and support accompanied by the ability to evaluate community behavior, identify organization policies and procedures according to the public interest.
In the report of the Director of Public Relations & Protocol of UNIKOM, as well as a Lecturer in the Communication Science Study Program, Dr. Desayu Eka Surya, S.Sos., M.Si., CICS said, “Public Relations activities needed to build a company’s image and identity, especially in the field of communication that takes place within a company to be able to maintain and maintain existence during intense competition in this era.”
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