Tinjauan Kurikulum
Kurikulum terbaru dari Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi telah disahkan pada tahun 2021 dan mulai diterapkan pada semester khusus tahun akademik 2021-2022. Kurikulum tahun 2021 telah diatur sesuai dengan kerangka Pendidikan Berbasis Hasil (OBE) dan juga menerapkan kebijakan Merdeka Belajar Kampus (MBKM).
Kurikulum tahun 2021 adalah evaluasi dari kurikulum sebelumnya, melalui proses panjang di bawah Pengembang Kurikuler Tine Agustin Wulandari, S.I.Kom., M. I. Kom. dengan dukungan penuh dari Kepala dan Sekretaris Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi, Dekan Fakultas Ilmu Sosial & Politik, Kepala Divisi Kurikulasi, serta Wakil Rektor untuk Bidang Akademik & Mahasiswa.
Ulasan kurikulum & perubahan dilakukan dengan tujuan mengikuti tren perkembangan ilmu komunikasi berdasarkan input dari pemangku kepentingan yang relevan, dari lulusan, pengguna, ke asosiasi profesional sehingga kurikuler Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi selalu sesuai dengan kebutuhan yang dijelaskan melalui profil dan hasil belajar lulusan yang telah ditentukan.
Ada 24 kursus baru dalam Kurikulum 2021 yang menyoroti Komunikasi Digital sebagai karakter Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi disertai dengan kursus komputer aplikasi di setiap semester hingga semester ketujuh. Dengan total 144 kredit sesuai dengan ketentuan Kementerian Pendidikan, Budaya, Penelitian dan Teknologi Republik Indonesia untuk gelar sarjana.
Hasil Pembelajaran Lulusan
- Bertindak sebagai warga negara yang bangga dan mencintai negara, etis dan bertanggung jawab untuk bekerja dalam upaya meningkatkan kualitas hidup di masyarakat dengan menghormati keragaman budaya, bahasa, pandangan dan agama, dan internalisasi konsep kemerdekaan, perjuangan dan kewirausahaan dalam penggunaan teknologi informasi di setiap bidang;
- Mampu menggunakan teknologi informasi baik perangkat lunak, perangkat keras dan perangkat lainnya secara mandiri, dengan kualitas yang baik dan dapat diukur sesuai dengan bidang keahlian dengan mempertimbangkan dan menerapkan nilai-nilai budaya dan budaya lokal;
- Menguasai konsep teoritis ilmu komunikasi secara umum, serta dalam berbagai konteks komunikasi;
- Mampu merencanakan, memproduksi, dan mendistribusikan pesan komunikasi untuk berbagai tujuan, menggunakan berbagai platform media sesuai dengan norma hukum yang berlaku, norma sosial, dan etika;
- Mampu melakukan analisis atau studi masalah komunikasi atau masalah dalam berbagai konteks menggunakan konsep dan teori komunikasi yang relevan;
- Mampu membuat keputusan yang tepat dalam konteks penyelesaian masalah di bidang keahlian komunikasi, berdasarkan hasil analisis informasi dan data yang tepat;
- Mampu berkomunikasi, kreatif, bekerja keras, memimpin, dan berkolaborasi dalam kerja tim dengan mempertimbangkan nilai-nilai, norma dan prinsip-prinsip etika akademis dalam menerapkan profesi komunikasi dengan kriteria kinerja independen, berkualitas, dan terukur;
- Mampu merancang dan menerapkan program komunikasi kolaboratif dan berkelanjutan;
- Mampu merencanakan, mewujudkan, dan menerbitkan karya komunikasi berbasis data, sebagai bentuk adaptasi terhadap gangguan digital;
- Mampu merencanakan, menerapkan, melaporkan, dan menerbitkan hasil penelitian komunikasi dan pelayanan masyarakat berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip ilmiah di bidang ilmu komunikasi;
- Menguasai keterampilan komunikasi dasar, seperti berbicara di depan umum dan produksi multimedia;
- Mengoperasikan tugas dengan tanggung jawab penuh dengan memproduksi produk konten untuk pesan komunikasi, studi di bidang komunikasi, dan program komunikasi yang memberikan manfaat bagi masyarakat dan sesuai dengan norma hukum, sosial, dan etika yang berlaku.
Merdeka Belajar - Kampus Merdeka (MBKM)
- Mengutip Panduan untuk Mengembangkan Kurikulum Pendidikan Tinggi di Era Industri 4.0 untuk Mendukung Merdeka Belajar – Kampus Merdeca (MBKM) pada tahun 2020;
- Program Studi memiliki wewenang untuk merancang kurikulum sesuai dengan kebijakan MBKM dan Universitas Komputer Indonesia di mana kepala Program Studi sebagai Pegawai (PIC);
- Pilihan Implementasi MBKM
- 8 Semester di Program Studi mereka sendiri
- 7 Semester di Program Studi mereka sendiri
- 1 Semester berpartisipasi dalam Program Pertukaran Mahasiswa Merdeka (PMM) secara internal di Program Studi lain di Universitas Komputer Indonesia (disarankan agar siswa mengikuti kursus yang mendukung hasil belajar lulusan)
- 6 Semester di Program Studi mereka sendiri
- 1 Semester berpartisipasi dalam Program Pertukaran Mahasiswa Merdeka (PMM) secara internal di Program Studi lain di Universitas Komputer Indonesia (disarankan agar siswa mengikuti kursus yang mendukung hasil belajar lulusan)
- 1 Semester berpartisipasi dalam Program Pertukaran Mahasiswa Merdeka (PMM) secara eksternal di Program Studi yang sama di luar Universitas Komputer Indonesia (disarankan agar siswa mengikuti kursus yang mendukung hasil belajar lulusan)
- 5 Semester di Program Studi mereka sendiri
- 1 Semester berpartisipasi dalam Program Pertukaran Mahasiswa Merdeka (PMM) secara internal di Program Studi lain di Universitas Komputer Indonesia (disarankan agar siswa mengikuti kursus yang mendukung hasil belajar lulusan)
- 1 Semester berpartisipasi dalam Program Pertukaran Mahasiswa Merdeka (PMM) secara eksternal di Program Studi yang sama di luar Universitas Komputer Indonesia (disarankan agar siswa mengikuti kursus yang mendukung hasil belajar lulusan)
- 1 Semester bergabung dengan Program
- Magang MBKM program yang dapat diubah menjadi kursus:
- Mahasiswa Pertukaran Merdeka (PMM)
- Magang;
- Asisten Pengajar di Unit Pendidikan;
- Penelitian;
- Proyek Kemanusiaan;
- Kegiatan Kewirausahaan;
- Studi/Proyek Independen;
- Kuliah Kerja Nyata Tematik;
- Pertahanan Negara.
- Siswa berpartisipasi dalam Program MBKM di mitra yang telah menandatangani kesepakatan kerjasama;
- Penilaian untuk kursus Program Pertukaran Mahasiswa Merdeka (PMM) ditentukan oleh dosen pengajar, sedangkan penilaian bagi program MBKM lainnya ditentukan secara bersama (campus and company).
- Act as a citizen who is proud and loves the country, ethical and responsible for work in an effort to improve the quality of life in society by respecting cultural diversity, language, views and religion, and internalizing the concept of independence, struggle and entrepreneurship in the use of information technology in each field;
- Able to utilize information technology both software, hardware and other devices independently, with good quality and measurable according to the field of expertise by taking into account and applying cultural values and local culture;
- Mastering the theoretical concepts of communication science in general, as well as in various communication contexts;
- Able to plan, produce, and distribute communication messages for various purposes, using various media platforms according to applicable legal norms, social norms, and ethics;
- Able to conduct analysis or study of communication problems or issues in various contexts using relevant communication concepts and theories;
- Able to make appropriate decisions in the context of solving problems in the field of communication expertise, based on the results of an appropriate information and data analysis;
- Able to communicate, creative, work hard, lead, and cooperate in a team work by taking into account the values, norms and principles of academic ethics in implementing the communication profession with independent, quality, and measurable performance criteria;
- Able to plan and implement a collaborative and sustainable communication program;
- Able to plan, realize, and publish data-based communication works, as a form of adaptation to digital disruption;
- Able to plan, implement, report, and publish the results of communication research and community service based on scientific principles in the field of communication science.
- Mastering basic communication skills, such as public speaking and multimedia production;
- Running errands with full responsibility by producing content products for communication messages, study in the field of communication, and communication programs that provide benefits to society and in accordance with applicable legal, social, and ethical norms.
- Referring to the Guidelines for Developing a Higher Education Curriculum in the Industrial Age 4.0 to Support Merdeka Belajar – Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) in 2020;
- The department has the authority to design curriculum according to MBKM policies and the Universitas Komputer Indonesia where the head of department as the Person in Charge (PIC);
MBKM Implementation Options
- 8 semesters in their own department
- 7 semesters in their own department
- 1 semester participating in the Pertukaran Mahasiswa Merdeka (PMM) Program internally in other department within the Universitas Komputer Indonesia (it is recommended that students take courses that support graduates’ learning outcomes);
- 6 semesters in their own department
- 1 semester participating in the Pertukaran Mahasiswa Merdeka (PMM) Program internally in other department within the Universitas Komputer Indonesia (it is recommended that students take courses that support graduates’ learning outcomes)
- 1 semester participating in the Pertukaran Mahasiswa Merdeka (PMM) Program externally in the same department outside the Universitas Komputer Indonesia (it is recommended that students take courses that support graduates’ learning outcomes)
- 5 semesters in their own department
- 1 semester participating in the Pertukaran Mahasiswa Merdeka (PMM) Program internally in other department within the Universitas Komputer Indonesia (it is recommended that students take courses that support graduates’ learning outcomes)
- 1 semester participating in the Pertukaran Mahasiswa Merdeka (PMM) Program externally in the same department outside the Universitas Komputer Indonesia (it is recommended that students take courses that support graduates’ learning outcomes)
- 1 semester join Internship Program
MBKM program that can be converted into courses:
- Pertukaran Mahasiswa Merdeka (PMM)
- Internship;
- Teaching Assistant in the Education Unit;
- Research;
- Humanitarian Projects;
- Entrepreneurial Activities;
- Independent Study/Project;
- Kuliah Kerja Nyata Tematik;
- State Defense.
Microsoft Office | 2 | Website Design | 2 | Animation & Multimedia | 3 | Social Statistics & SPSS | 3 |
English | 3 | Sociology of Communication | 2 | Graphic Communication | 2 | Psychology of Communication | 3 |
Religion | 2 | Communication Theories | 3 | Political Communication | 3 | Social Development Communication | 3 |
Indonesian | 3 | Mass Communication | 3 | Philosophy of Communication Science | 3 | Health Communication | 3 |
Pancasila & Citizenship | 3 | Political System of Indonesia | 2 | International Communication | 3 | Tourism Communication | 3 |
Introduction to Communication Science | 3 | Interpersonal Communication | 3 | Visual Communication & Photography | 3 | Instructional Communication | 3 |
Introduction Political Science | 2 | Intercultural Communication | 3 | Marketing Communication | 3 | Digital Literacy | 2 |
Public Speaking | 3 | Group & Organizational Communication | 3 | ||||
CREDITS | 19 | CREDITS | 21 | CREDITS | 20 | CREDITS | 20 |
Social Media Management | 3 | Hardware | 3 | Entrepreneurship | 3 | Undergraduate Thesis | 6 |
Business Communication | 3 | Videography | 3 | Digital Content Design | 3 | ||
Quantitative Research Method | 3 | Qualitative Research Method | 3 | Applied Communication Research | 3 | ||
Planning Communication | 3 | Communication Ethics | 3 | Job Training | 3 | ||
Creative Writing | 3 | Event Organizing Management | 3 | Advertising | 2 | ||
Journalistic Language | 2 | News Writing | 2 | Creative Communication Business | 3 | ||
Public Relations Crisis & Strategy | 2 | Public Opinion | 2 | Popular Scientific Writing Technique | 3 | ||
Media Management | 2 | Branding | 2 | or MBKM Programs | |||
Public Relations Campaign | 2 | Community Relations | 2 | ||||
Japanese | 2 | Korean | 2 | ||||
or Internal MBKM | or External MBKM | ||||||
CREDITS | 19 | CREDITS | 19 | CREDITS | 20 | CREDITS | 6 |
TOTAL | 144 |
# | Code | Courses | Credit | Semester | Type |
1 | 00001 | Religion | 2 | I | Compulsory |
2 | 00002 | Indonesian | 2 | I | Compulsory |
3 | 00003 | Pancasila & Citizenship | 3 | I | Compulsory |
4 | 00004 | English | 2 | I | Compulsory |
5 | 18006 | Introduction to Communication Science | 3 | I | Compulsory |
6 | 18008 | Introduction to Political Science | 2 | I | Compulsory |
7 | 18061 | Public Speaking | 3 | I | Compulsory |
8 | 18072 | Microsoft Office | 2 | I | Compulsory |
9 | 18012 | Sociology of Communication | 2 | II | Compulsory |
10 | 18018 | Communication Theories | 3 | II | Compulsory |
11 | 18029 | Mass Communication | 3 | II | Compulsory |
12 | 18076 | Website Design | 2 | II | Compulsory |
13 | 18078 | Political System of Indonesia | 2 | II | Compulsory |
14 | 18084 | Interpersonal Communication | 3 | II | Compulsory |
15 | 18119 | Intercultural Communication | 3 | II | Compulsory |
16 | 18120 | Group & Organizational Communication | 3 | II | Compulsory |
17 | 00007 | Animation & Multimedia | 3 | III | Compulsory |
18 | 18029 | Political Communication | 3 | III | Compulsory |
19 | 18080 | Graphic Communication | 2 | III | Compulsory |
20 | 18088 | Philosophy of Communication | 3 | III | Compulsory |
21 | 18091 | International Communication | 3 | III | Compulsory |
22 | 18122 | Visual Communication & Photography | 3 | III | Compulsory |
23 | 18123 | Marketing Communication | 3 | III | Compulsory |
24 | 18041 | Psychology of Communication | 3 | IV | Compulsory |
25 | 18083 | Social Statistics & SPSS | 3 | IV | Compulsory |
26 | 18095 | Social Development Communication | 3 | IV | Compulsory |
27 | 18126 | Health Communication | 3 | IV | Compulsory |
28 | 18127 | Tourism Communication | 3 | IV | Compulsory |
29 | 18128 | Instructional Communication | 3 | IV | Compulsory |
30 | 18129 | Digital Literacy | 2 | IV | Compulsory |
31 | 18039 | Quantitative Research Method | 2 | V | Compulsory |
32 | 18056 | Business Communication | 3 | V | Compulsory |
33 | 18131 | Social Media Management | 3 | V | Compulsory |
34 | 18132 | Communication Planning | 3 | V | Compulsory |
35 | 18133 | Creative Writing | 3 | V | Compulsory |
36 | 18093 | Journalistic Language | 3 | V | Elective |
37 | 18103 | Public Relations Crisis & Strategy | 2 | V | Elective |
38 | 18134 | Media Management | 2 | V | Elective |
39 | 18135 | Public Relations Campaign | 2 | V | Elective |
40 | 18136 | Japanese | 2 | V | Elective |
41 | 00006 | Hardware | 3 | VI | Compulsory |
42 | 18052 | Qualitative Research Method | 3 | VI | Compulsory |
43 | 18137 | Videography | 3 | VI | Compulsory |
44 | 18138 | Communication Ethics | 3 | VI | Compulsory |
45 | 18139 | Event Organizing Management | 3 | VI | Compulsory |
46 | 18097 | News Writing | 2 | VI | Elective |
47 | 18114 | Public Opinion | 2 | VI | Elective |
48 | 18140 | Branding | 2 | VI | Elective |
49 | 18141 | Community Relations | 2 | VI | Elective |
50 | 18142 | Korean | 2 | VI | Elective |
51 | 00005 | Entrepreneurship | 3 | VII | Compulsory |
52 | 18143 | Job Training | 3 | VII | Compulsory |
53 | 18144 | Applied Communication Research | 3 | VII | Compulsory |
54 | 18101 | Digital Content Design | 3 | VII | Compulsory |
55 | 18106 | Advertising | 2 | VII | Compulsory |
56 | 18146 | Creative Communication Business | 3 | VII | Compulsory |
57 | 18147 | Popular Scientific Writing Technique | 3 | VII | Compulsory |
58 | 18069 | Undergraduate Thesis | 6 | VIII | Compulsory |