BANDUNG, IK.UNIKOM.AC.ID (27/07/2023) As a form of community service, the communication science department held an outreach with the theme “The Implementation of Interpersonal Communication as the Anticipation of Fintech Lending to the Community of Leuwigajah District, South Cimahi, Cimahi City” on Thursday, July 27, 2023, which took place on the 2nd floor of the Leuwigajah sub-district office. This activity was carried out under the coordination of Yasundari, S.I.Kom, and M.I.Kom as chairman of the committee.
Participants in this activity were representatives of the neighborhood and heads of organizations within the Leuwigajah sub-district area. This activity was opened by the head of the Communication Science study program, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Melly Maulin.P., S.Sos., M.Si, who then signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Communication Science Department and the Leuwigajah Village. The purpose of signing this MoU is as an output of community service activities and as a form of cooperation agreement between the Communication Science Department and Leuwigajah Village, Cimahi City.
The reason this community service activity takes the theme of fintech lending, or what we usually know as Pinjol, is because we see the phenomenon of more and more people wanting to get loans quickly without knowing whether the platform used to borrow is legal or not, apart from the conditions. Online loan disbursement is easier than conventional bank loan conditions, so people often “forget themselves” and are confused about how to pay it, even getting trapped in online loans. Therefore, the resource persons in this activity are our communication science lecturers, namely Tine Wulandari, S.I.Kom., M.I.Kom, and Inggar Prayoga, S.I.Kom., M.I.Kom, providing information to the public regarding illegal and legal forms of online loans, the purpose of which is The legal side here is whether the online loan platform is guaranteed by the OJK or not, and how to communicate interpersonally with the people closest to you not to use a loan platform that is not guaranteed by the OJK.
The hope is that after receiving this counseling, socialization participants will know and understand what must be done and paid attention to when using an online loan platform.